Clomfranil Tablets 10Mg

Clomfranil Tablets 10Mg


Clomfranil Tablets 10Mg


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Side Effects

• Drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision or difficulty focussing your eyes, especially when treatment is started or the dose is increased. • Lightheadedness, especially when you get up too quickly from a sitting or lying position. • Dry mouth • Difficulty urinating (passing water) • Dry or sticky eyes if you wear contact lenses • Constipation • Sweating or hot flushes • Increased appetite and weight gain • Decreased appetite • Tired feeling and mental dullness • Feeling of unrest or anxiety • A compelling need to be in constant motion • Repetitive, involuntary, purposeless movements • Disturbed sleep or nightmares • Shakiness or trembling • Nausea (feeling sick), vomiting, diarrhoea • Poor appetite or weight loss • Sores in the mouth or on the tongue • Headache .